Pancreatic Surgery Can Be Life Threatening! Read This Before You Decide

The pancreas is one of the most delicate organs in the human body. Patients often develop a complication in the pancreas, named as pancreatitis . This is where pancreatic surgery comes as a handy tool to overcome the persisting situation. However, there are certain complications that patients develop post-surgery. Surgery for pancreatitis comes with several health risks. As per research, half of the patients who have undergone this surgery have developed serious complications. Moreover, 2% to 4% of patients couldn’t survive the operation. The figure for mortality rate is one of the highest in the medical field. One of the most common problems developed by patients after surgery is leakage of fluid. Since the pancreas is subjected to releasing fluids, post-surgery these fluids cause an abscess; ultimately leading to infection. If the leakage is immediately after surgery, the patients are required to stay longer in the hospital, whereas if the leakage beings after the patie...