How Body-Shaming Affects the Obese Individuals

Extra body weight is a problem for every individual. Not only it causes limitation of physical mobility, but also makes the individual suffer in many other ways. It also brings many obesity-associated complications such as sleep apnea, diabetes type 2, high blood pressure, high sugar and high cholesterol along with many others. However, almost every patient seeking weight reduction surgery admits being discriminated for being obese, at some point in time, in their lives. Indeed, body-shaming is a very common issue faced by most obese patients. Let’s understand what is body-shaming and how it affects the patients psychologically. For those who understand very little about this aspect, body-shaming is a practice of criticism, exhibited against an individual who is either too fat or too thin, but about 9 out of 10 people facing this discrimination are obese individuals. Usually, body-shaming is done over and over and often in the presence of the obese individual itself, p...