A Rise Of Type 2 Diabetes In Kids: Causes, Symptoms and Diagnosis

Whenever we hear that someone has diabetes or we imagine a diabetes patient, we mostly think of a man or a woman well above the age of 40. We usually don’t imagine a kid with diabetes. But do you know that many healthcare institutes have reported that there has been an upsurge in the cases of juvenile diabetes since the last decade? This upsurge has been found among kids and teens all below the age of 20; who not only have either type 1 or type 2 diabetes, but also are ongoing diabetes treatment to manage them. But this was not the case before 20- 30 years ago. Juvenile diabetes were not such a common case back then. So what did happen? Why is their an upsurge? Let’s understand in brief. If any kid has type 1 diabetes, it is difficult to evaluate the exact cause. Some might have inherited it from their genes. But in other cases, the exact cause can’t be said. But the upsurge is mainly for type 2 diabetes. The basic reason for that is their sedentary lifestyle. An inacti...