6 Best Healthy Food In This Summer For Weight Reduction

“Nothing Tastes As Good As Being Thin Feels” - Unknown Have you ever felt this? This is possibly true for those, who are thinking of losing weight. But, how? There is the trick, people can’t get rid off from their favourite junkies (food) and want to lose weight immediately. In the end, nothing happens, they keep gaining weight and decide to go for weight reduction surgery . However, this is not very hard to stay in shape if you maintain a healthy lifestyle. Summer has already started and it is the time to be more conscious about your health. Randomly taking junk food can affect your health and body. We listed down some healthy foods you must include in your summer diet to stay healthy and in shape. 1. Curd: Curd is delicious and healthy for everyone in all season. Especially in summer, it keeps our body cool. Curd bacteria (lactobacillus) kill the harmful bacteria in our body. you can make various recipes with curd. Such as curd smoothie with seasonal fruit...