5 Ways Water Can Help You Lose Your Excess Weight

We do so many things from exercises to various kinds of diets to maintain or lose weight. But did you know that water plays a huge role in maintaining or losing our weight? So many people are going for obesity surgery in Kolkata to lose excess weight, but if you follow the below-mentioned points you might not have to. . Drink Before You Eat Drinking water before meals can make you feel fuller as it is an appetite suppressant. This helps reduce the amount of food you eat. If you drink water before any meal it can reduce the intake of food up to 75 calories per meal. If you drink water even before only one meal per day, you would be able to ingest 27,000 fewer calories per year. Replace Calorie-Filled Drinks With Water Drink water instead of sodas and juices to lose weight. Add a slice of lemon to add a bit of flavour to your boring water. As the pectin in lemons helps reduce food cravings, you can add a glass of water with lemon to your daily diet regimen. You wil...