Sugar And Obesity: Know About The Unhealthy Relationship

Sugar has been a part of our life for centuries. We use sugar in every kind of food and beverages. But nowadays the amount of sugar intake has increased a lot, which is becoming a part of the reason for the increase in obesity and resulting in an increase in weight reduction surgery . Read on to find out why or how sugar is a reason for the increase in obesity. High in Calories Sugary food and drinks are high in calories. Added sugars are mostly used to improve the taste. These types of sugars include fructose, corn syrup, cane sugar, and agave. They are said to be empty calories as there are no nutrient values in them. All these empty calories, when eaten, tend to get deposited as fat only, thereby increasing a person’s weight. Negative Impact On Blood Sugar Everyone knows that sugary foods significantly increases your blood sugar levels. Daily consumption of added sugar will chronically elevate your blood sugar leading to hyperglycemia. This will inevitably lea...